Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ethan is walking (as you can see). He is now all over the place. We took him with us to church yesterday as we were cleaning the building and he just walked up and down the halls. It was nice because he had a lot of room to rome and there wasn't to much that he could hurt himself on. He is so fun.
Another week of school is done. Sometimes it seems that is the only way that I get through is by counting down the weeks. We have yet another test on Monday. That is three weeks in a row of Monday tests. How fun! At least we don't have any tests the following week which means that next weekend I can relax (but not much). I never really know how to end these blogs. It is like I am writing in journal but everyone sees it. Oh well.


Leah said...

Yeah! Audrey figured out the waling things as well. How sweet is that boy! Honestly. Kiss him for me!!! I loved seeing him and Audrey with each other at Christmas. I am so glad we got to meet him. He is just as darling as I imagined he would be. Love that personality.
And Abe, if it makes you feel any better Zeb has a final Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and yep you guessed it Friday too. Fun stuff. Hang in there, it will be tuesday in 2 days! :) As if you didn't know that!!! And it probably doesn't make you feel any bettter.

J and C Fish Family said...

Oh, the joys of schooling. There is an endless array of deadlines, tests, assignments, and other menial tasks. Sometimes I wish I had a bachelors that was actually worth something. Oh well. Time goes faster and faster, and now that Ethan has taken off, you will be putting him in preschool before you know it and wondering what the h*^l happened to that little boy you took home from the hospital. But, he is so cute, and does have the cutest smile and personality. I have an unspoken rule that until I have my own all of my nephews are unofficially adopted, so unofficially he is mine. Just thought you might like to know.


Becca said...

Sigh. The joys of school. I can't believe Ethan is walking already. My Ethan is rolling all over the place and really trying hard to get places. I can't believe how fast the time has flown with him. It does go by so fast- just like Josh said, we are already looking into preschools for Aidan and it isn't a fun process. What ever happened to learning what letters are in your name and the colors in the rainbow? I hope you can take a breather next weekend and relax a little!