Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ethan's Songs

Ethan has gotten to be quite the singer these days. We are constantly amazed at all the songs he can sing. Finally we got him to perform for the camera. Last night at the ward halloween party he got up on the stage and grabbed the microphone before we could get to him. He made everyone jump as he started to sing.

You can see the nice little scratch on his face that he got at the beginning of the week. Right up there with singing is his love for playing baseball. He has an inflatable t-ball set that he plays with constantly (as long as mom or dad keep putting the ball back on the tee). Well every adult and child that plays with him and his t-ball set likes to play by hitting him with the bat. Of course it doesn't hurt and Ethan thinks it is a pretty fun game. Well the problem comes when Ethan uses other items as bats. The other weekend he set up our friend's vase as the tee and put one of her decorative ornaments on top of it for the ball and grabbed another vase to use as the bat. So he doesn't understand that it isn't a fun game to hit kids with all the other "bats" he plays with. So while playing with a plastic guitar and using it as a bat he decided to hit a girl at daycare with it and she got him good with a couple of scratches down his face. Having watched him do it before I truly think he is confused by why the kids start to cry when he does it. It is going to be fun to try to unlearn that little game. So if we come to your houses hide any long narrow bat-like objects you have sitting around.

And I just added a couple of more pictures that I like of my boys.