Friday, March 28, 2008

Our caged animal

So I had to post these pictures. Meredith took them while I was at school one day. I guess Ethan decided that he didn't want to go up the stairs and pulled the gate closed on himself and preceded to play like a caged animal. In the first picture he looks as if he has been drinking soap and that he is completely hammered. In the second it is like he is monkey. Meredith took him to the Zoo the other day. When they got to the first exhibit Ethan thought that was the point of the entire trip and didn't want to leave. He did have a fun time going around and seeing all the animals. He even got to pet a few of them. Again he thought that was the point of the trip and didn't want to leave the petting area. I don't think that it is a great Zoo but he is only 15 months old and he doesn't know any better.
On to another note. Our house in Sanford is going back on the market in April. We are praying that it will sell quickly so we don't have to carry two morgages. I guess the renters decided to move out. So if everyone could also pray that it sells we would really appreciate it.
Funny story. During lunch the other day one of the guys had a package of M&M's. I think that it is the mini's that come in a little tube. This reminded me of one of Meredith's old roomates (who will remain nameless) who had a funny experience. Keep in mind that this is a good little mormon girl. Her and her fiance used to enjoy these mini M&M's and he would keep them in his pocket. Well one day she saw that he had some in his pocket and asked for them. He said that he didn't have any. She persisted that he did have them and preceded to reach into his pocket and get them. As it turns out he didn't have any in his pocket, and she got quite the suprise. I think that you can imagine what it was. Enjoy


J and C Fish Family said...

I think I had heard that story before, but it stills makes me smile. Funny stuff. Ethan is so dang cute. If you hadn't pointed out that it was soap I might not have noticed. At least he is just holding it, all of my girls have eaten lotion, Jess still tries to.

Leah said...

I really hope Meredith's roomate doesn't read your blog, how funny. I can't wait to spend some time with that little animal on Tuesday. Good luck on your tests this week. Hey, anyone who doesn't want our house we'll send your way:)

Leah said...

What a classic story. I can only imagine what her face looked like when she realized they weren't m&m's. It would have been nice to be a fly on the wall at that moment. How funny.
Ethan is such a cute boy. Don't you love how quickly they attach to something and bawl when you change it up? He is so adorable.
And yes, we will pray for you for sure. I REALLY hope your house sells quickly. Good luck!

Becca said...

Such a funny story- puts a whole new spin on the M&M store we went to in Vegas this weekend. :) I love the pictures of your caged animal. I have a couple of monkeys myself that would look great behind that gate with him. Good luck selling the house- keep us posted on what happens.

Zeb said...

I can see the sloshed look, but in relation to the zoo story, I thought he was roaring. I know they don't have them in the smaller zoos, but I was thinking he was doing a wookie call. You may have a little Chewbaca on your hands.