Sunday, March 17, 2013

Our Newest Addition

I can't believe it has taken me so long to annouce this on the blog but we are thrilled to tell everyone that we are expecting Baby Fish #3 September 14th!  We had been hoping for this for a long time and were starting to have our doubts it would ever happen so we feel very blessed. 

Ethan and Taylor are so thrilled and are fun to listen to as they talk to the baby and make all sorts of plans on what they will teach it and what they will be responsible for.  I was going to post the video of when we told them about the baby but I have yet to get it off the iPad so it may never happen.  They weren't crazy excited in the video (not that Abe or myself get crazy excited on the outside about things either) but it was  pretty cute later that night when I saw Ethan smiling at me and I asked him what he was thinking about and he said "I just can't believe we are really having a baby."  We asked the kids to keep it a secret when we told them but poor Taylor just couldn't keep such a good secret to herself.  I think her preschool teacher and class were the first ones to find out then followed closely by her Sunday School teacher.  She did mention to her that it was a secret and she wasn't supposed to have told anyone.  And what a sweet Sunday School teacher who pretended not to know for weeks until Taylor told her it was no longer a secret.  Ethan on the other hand has decided that he won't tell any of his friends until we know if it is a boy or a girl.  He said "they are just going to want to know if it is a boy or a girl and I don't have an answer. I'll just wait until I know the answer and then tell them."  Completely logical, why waste time on unnecessary conversations Abe junior.  We do have an ultrasound scheduled for April 17th so we all can't wait to find out if it is a boy or a girl.

The first trimester is officially over and I am feeling really good.  It was definitely a hard first month with Abe out of town and me feeling under the weather all the time but we are now doing amazing.  Exciting times and we couldn't be more thrilled.


Laura said...

I am beyond excited for you!!!!!!!

Toni said...

That is super exciting news! Congratulations!

Delaps said...

So exciting! 3 is fun...

PatShala said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for y'all! And, you look BEAUTIFUL!

Unknown said...

So, after realizing that I miss all your funny stories about your kids, I checked out your blog and I can't believe you are pregnant!!! Congrats!!!

Becca said...

Yay!! So excited for you guys! Glad to hear you are feeling well and can't wait to hear what the gender is!