Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I thought that it would be a good idea to add some more pictures of our little angel. The first post was from the hospital and the internet speed wasn't that great so we didn't want to overload it to much. Taylor has been quite different than Ethan. She has no problem spending the day hanging out in her bouncer, unlike Ethan who wanted to be held constantly. We still haven't figured out how to get her to sleep better at night. I honestly think that it is to quiet for her because Ethan can be destroying the place around her and she will sleep right through it but as soon as it is quiet she starts to fuss. I think that one of these days we will get into a schedule and figure out how to do it with two. At least we aren't outnumbered yet.This scowl looks almost exactly like Ethans when he was a baby.Ethan doesn't look very happy in this picture but all he talked about was going to the hospital to see Taylor and Mom.


Zeb said...

Wow I guess when you're a big time medical student your kid gets flowers next to her crib, your wife gets silk pajamas, and you get a plush recliner. Must be nice. Here in Waco they just take you out in the bushes, find a big rock for your wife to lay on, and forget about getting a seat for the husband.

Taylor is very cute! And it looks like Ethan is going to be a great big brother.

As for the noise and sleeping, we have a noise maker in the girls room. It just makes white noise so it covers up the sound of Leah's rap music that she likes to crank up after the girls go to bed.

The Ziegler Family said...

She is beautiful. Congratulations! Ethan will be a great big brother.

J and C Fish Family said...

She is absolutely beautiful. As for the music, maybe you could have music playing in the back round all the time.??? Just an idea......

Laura said...

Taylor is very cute!! Congratulations!

Becca said...

She is SO cute! That grumpy face and double chin are just to die for. She's making me even more hungry for a baby girl. :)

Heather said...

So cute!!! and as an added distraction for these busy times, you have won an award. check out my blog to see it.

Becca said...

Becca Brown (Sanders) says hi and your baby is so so cute! Please tell me how it is with two...I want 6 kids, but how do you handle that when you're "Mom"? You guys are such a cute family!