I've finally gotten around to posting some more pictures of Taylor. She isn't a huge fan of having her picture taken so she gives the same scowl that Ethan usually had in pictures. We did catch a little smile in this picture. She is just starting to wake up more and more, usually at night when we want to head to bed.
Ethan continues to be an excellent big brother. It is adorable to see him worry about Taylor when she cries and tries to interact with her. Any time she cries he says "do you need your mommy or your daddy?" He always interprets for us and says who she wants. I don' t think it is possible for her to get any more hugs and kisses from him. He is usually very gentle but still doesn't understand that she doesn't need toys and books. I have to run to where ever she is when I hear "Oh here you go. You need this." Usually that means a book or toy has been placed on her head.
I love this little video of Ethan. He loves to stand on his potty and perform for all of us. In this video he is singing the Sesame Street song "Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood". He had an audience for a while, my friend's daughter who would clap every time he finished singing. He is so fun to watch. Speaking of Ethan's potty, the other day I was feeding Taylor and I was talking to Ethan about how when I was done I was going to take him to the potty. He said okay and said that he wanted to go potty like daddy. That usually means that he stands near the potty and makes fake peeing sounds. I never really have taught him to pee standing up. So it didn't concern me when he started taking his little stool into the bathroom and when I saw his pajama bottoms fly out of the bathroom. I really didn't think he would actually go to the bathroom standing up. Well imagine my surprise when I lean forward to see into the bathroom from where I was sitting and I see him start to pee. Of course he is so impressed with himself that he turns to tell me about it and sprays around the bathroom and out the door, a good 3 feet. It was pretty much like watching an unmanned fire hose. I couldn't even do anything to stop him so I just laughed. I'm sure the sleep deprevation helped make it seem even funnier. I have learned my lesson.