Friday, January 16, 2009

We Need Your Help!

We are fast approaching week 37 of this pregnancy and we are starting to realize that we may never come up with a name for our little baby girl. Ethan had a name from almost the time we knew he was a little boy. I can't imagine going to the hospital not knowing what we are going to call her. One of our problems is that Abe and I have different ideas of what names we like so we can't agree on any names. So we thought we would reach out to our wonderful friends and family for help. We have some names that one or the other of us likes but we are open to other suggestions. Her middle name will be Nicole so it has to sound okay with that. I'll give you some of the names on our list but I ask that you not tell me which ones you hate because if we do pick that name it will be hard to forget how you thought it was an awful name :)

So here is our list:













Feel free to give us your thoughts or suggest something we can both agree on. Thankfully Ethan has stopped calling her Bingo and now calls her Baby Nicole but it will be nice to teach him what everyone else will be calling her.


Amy said...

hmmm. i like all of those names, but a suggestion i got (and blew off) when I was pregnant with Jonas was to not give the double consanst, JonaS Schwartz.... if you arent going to use Nicole as a middle name out loud, then it wont matter, but if you intend to use first and middle, it kinda blurs....

Leah said...

I have always LOVED the name Eliza. I think
Eliza Nicole sounds beautiful. I also think Lauren and Kennedy sound really good with Nicole and are darling names.
So I guess I will give you my top choices:
1. Eliza Nicole
2. Lauren Nicole (pronounced Lar not Lor?)...I agree with Amy that sometimes you steer clear of the double consonant but in some cases it doesn't bother me and I actually really like it..Lauren Nicole is one of those that I like a lot.
3. Kennedy Nicole
I really like all 3 of them. I hope this helps even a little. Good luck. Keep us posted!

J and C Fish Family said...

Carol always liked Grace but I vetoed. Other wise all of the girls names had some sort of theme unintentionally, Cora Elizabeth are both characters in classic literature. Jessica Lauren are both names of famous singers, and Maren Michelle are names of family members. I tried to do the same thing with Emmett but it didn't work, so maybe look at names that have a similar line to where Nicole came from.

Heather said...

My top choices are:
Caitlyn, Corinne, or Brianna

The Charters said...

Well, I must say of your list I am partial to Sydney - you know since that is what I named my little girl. If Logan had been a girl we would have called him (I guess her in that case) Reese. Hope you are feeling ok.

J and C Fish Family said...

I just want to make something clear... I did not name Jessica after Jessica simpson. It's from "Man From Snowy River"
I still love the name Grace but it sounds best with Nicole in front
Nicole Grace
I like it. I also like Leah's suggestion..Lauren Nicole.
I also like Bingo Nicole. :)

Michelle said...

my votes are for sydney, brooklyn or savannah...i guess i have a thing for naming your child after a city! but all three are so cute with the name nicole, also a great choice.

by the way, i'm proctoring an exam so i can't laugh out loud but i'm bursting on the inside over the whole bingo...where in the world did he come up with that. so hilarious! i can just hear him saying it in his cute little voice. love love love it!

Meredith and Abe Fish said...

Ethan calling the baby Bingo comes from one of his favorite songs, "There Was a Farmer Who Had a Dog and BINGO was his name-o". So when the babysitter asked what the baby's name is he told her it was Bingo. We all thought it was pretty funny so he got the response he wanted so he kept saying it when people asked what the baby's name is. We are hoping Bingo doesn't stick as a nickname. I love all your responses. Thanks for all the help! ~Meredith

Becca said...

I love it when I get to give my opinion! :) Ok, I've thought a lot about this because as you know, my middle name is also Nicole which we would like to use if we EVER have a baby girl. My sister named her baby Lauren (pronounced LOR-in) and I really love that with Nicole. I also really like Brenna, but that is a lot of N's. Sydney and Kennedy are also so cute. Just one to throw out there- I really like Chloe Nicole (pronounced CLO-ee). Brett's not such the fan, but I think its cute. Just a warning if you go with it- we might have more than one kid with the same name if I can ever talk him into it. :) Can't wait to see what you guys decide on!

Troy-Laura said...

A few names that I have always liked Hanna, Emily, and Emma. I had the same problem picking a name for Megan and I didn't come up with her name until two weeks before she was born. Good luck, what ever you decide I am sure will be perfect.
Love, Laura

The Ziegler Family said...

All the names sound adorable. I also like Eliza. My Kirstin was almost Eliza but when we met her she looked like a Kirstin. I always like having 2-3 names we like and then picking the final name when we meet her. Good luck and I can't wait to hear which one you pick.

honolululeigh said...

My vote is for Savannah or Annaleise. Annaleise was on our list when we were picking names for Isabelle. It is unusual, but beautiful. Something to take into consideration, though, is how you will feel about the inevitable nicknames. Can you handle people potentially calling her "Anna", "Annie", or "Leisy"? Savannah won't have as many nicknames. My in-laws are picky about nicknames (thus, "Emma" and "Bella" for Emmaleigh and Isabelle drive them crazy). Good luck!

Leah said...

So are you any closer? ;) Keep us updated. Do you have a top 3 now?

Becca said...

I'm just checking in to see if there was an update and the floating baby says only 8 MORE DAYS TO GO! Did that go by fast or is it just me?! Can't wait to see what happens in the next week or so! Good luck with it all! I'm so excited for you guys! :)

Kory said...

Hey! it's Kory. . . found your blog via Heather.
FYI - i'm also preggy, expecting a girl May 31!

Brenna and Sydney were on my long list of names, but my hubby ruled out Sydney b/c of Alias. :) I like Morgan too.

Good luck!