Sunday, September 28, 2008

SOLD - well almost

We were super excited to get an offer on our house in NC today. It has been a LONG wait but it has taught us a lot about patience. We countered their offer but within an hour they had accepted our offer. So October should be our last month with double mortgage payments. What a relief! So one last trip to Sanford to do some minor repairs and we should be set. We will miss the excuse to go and visit all of our friends down there.
Nothing else exciting has been going on. Abe has been studying like crazy since he has had at least one test every week for probably the last month and has a week of exams starting tomorrow. But he has been doing well and we are very proud of him. Ethan continues to amuse us daily. Today at church there was a man sleeping a few rows back and Ethan noticed him. Ethan said (in his loud and very clear speech) "Man sleeping!". I tried to get him onto another subject but he was very concerned about this man. So he said it a few more times. Finally he stood up in the pew and said "Wake up man. Wake up!" Abe and I were dying. I didn't look back to see if the man noticed or not. I was wishing that Ethan would fall asleep during church but that never happens. He usually spends his time just hoping that nursery time is around the corner. After every prayer he said "Amen. Nursery time?" and starts to get up. I guess I'm glad he just loves nursery that much.


Heather said...


The Ziegler Family said...

Yeah!!! I know what a pain the double mortgage can be. What a blessing. -Shannon

J and C Fish Family said...

Congrats on the house. Ethan is so cute. That is hilarious. At least he likes nursery, Maren is indifferent, she just kind of goes where we tell her to, but we are passed the clingy state, which is nice. Tell Abe good luck, and I feel his pain.

Leah said...

Three cheers for selling the house!
I'm so happy your having a girl (sorry I know I'm late). Ethan is getting cuter by the minute and I can't believe your potty training already! He may just be a genius!

Becca said...

Congrats! I'm sure that is such a relief. That's a funny story about Ethan. We have a teenage boy in our ward who is mentally retarded and doesn't speak, but kind of makes sounds throughout the meeting. One Sunday, about a year ago, this boy was unusually loud and was making some moaning sounds. Aidan turned around a yelled out, "Mooo! A cow! Where's the cow?" Yep. Nice. We were mortified. Luckily only the few rows around us heard and laughed. I ran into Cheyenne's mom at Maceys on Saturday. It was fun to see her and give her a hug. Hope you are feeling well Meredith!

Michelle said...

Congrats! I am excited you sold the house. One less thing to worry about. And that story about Ethan is so funny! I'm in the library trying to cover my mouth to keep from laughing too loud. What a cute boy. I can just hear his sweet little voice...Love it!

Zeb said...

Congratulations on your house!! That story about Ethan gave me a good laugh. Church moments like that are so classic.

Amy said...

yea! congrats on the house! what a blessing!

Leah said...

Hooray!!! I pray it goes through without any hiccups! GOOD luck with everything!
I love hearing things about Ethan!