Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Ethan's Marathon

It looks like I need to play catch up on a few things that happened at the end of the year that I didn't get a chance to blog about before I wrap up 2013.

Some friends of ours told us about a kids "marathon" associated with the Rock 'n Roll marathon here in San Antonio where the kids pledge to run 25 miles in the weeks before the race and finish the last mile together as a 1 mile fun run.  Ethan thought it sounded like fun and started training.  He was such a trooper about walking/running at least a mile a day leading up to the race.  He was usually the one reminding us that he needed to do it that day.
 Here he is right before the race started.  Unfortunately he had done most of his training on either the treadmill or doing multiple laps around the neighborhood so he was a little overwhelmed by how long the race looked when he saw the mile stretched out in front of him.  Abe wasn't able to come so Brooklyn and I ran the race with him.  Brooklyn was not happy about the jogging stroller but luckily she calmed down once we got moving.  She was the youngest "racer" by far.
 Here we are at the end of our race, medal in hand.  I was super proud of my little runner.  He has come a long way from the boy he was a year or two ago that would have much rather ridden in a stroller than ran a mile.

1 comment:

Toni said...

That's awesome! Congratulations Ethan.