Saturday, December 21, 2013

Brooklyn is 3 months!

It has been so fun to see how much Brooklyn has changed over the last 3 months.  I can't believe how much she has grown.  She is now a smiling, laughing, observant little girl who always seems to be soaking in everything around her.  The other day I was watching her in her carseat as she was concentrating so hard to get her pacifier.  She leaned forward in the seat, lifting her head and chest up a little bit and finally got a hold of it.  Then she even got it into her mouth.  She is constantly grabbing at anything she can find and getting it to her mouth.  She loves to suck on her fingers and tries to get as many in her mouth as she can.  But it is never her thumb.  She loves people, especially her brother and sister, and just lights up when she sees them.  She is a very ticklish baby and will laugh and snort when Abe tickles her.  She is my first baby that sometimes just wants to be put down when she is fussy.  I always assume fussy babies want to be held but sometimes she is happiest in her bouncer with me sitting right beside her talking to her. 

 We are constantly asks if she looks like Ethan or Taylor so I'm always trying to decide myself.  Here is a picture of Taylor at 4 months (left) and Brooklyn at 3 months (right).  Brooklyn definitely has her beat on size.  I see a lot of similarities, like they both have very expressive eyebrows but Taylor definitely got the brown skin and her square jaw.   But they are both so cute in their own way.  I just love both these little (and not so little girls).

1 comment:

Laura said...

I think she's a great mix of Ethan And Taylor!!!!!