Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Year Has Come to An End

I really can't believe that the school year is over and Ethan has finished kindergarten.  He had such an amazing year and learned so much that it even exceeded my expectations.  I have to brag about my smart little boy for a few minutes. 
 End of the Year
    Beginning of the school Year

His kindergarten was a Spanish/English class and it has been so fun to hear all the Spanish he has picked up over the year.  He has such a great accent that I can't wait to hear how well he speaks after next year. I definitely can't remember back to what I learned in Kindergarten but it blows me away with what Ethan knows now.  He loves math and is so good at it.  He has started doing multiplication and can do all sorts of math facts in his head.  We were talking about something and when someone asked what 60 plus 99 was he responded quicker than Abe and I with the right answer.  He is a great reader and is so sweet to read to Taylor and the other kiddos at the house when I need a break.  He reads chapter books amazingly well.  I hope that 1st grade will be able to find ways to challenge him like kindergarten has.  I was listening to him and Taylor talk in the car the other day and the discussion turned to what they were going to do when they grew up.  Taylor really just wants a job that makes a lot of money so she is hoping that a professional singing career will work out.  Ethan decided to explain to her the differences between jobs like being a police officer that didn't require a lot of school but weren't as challenging and how if she wanted a really good job she was probably going to have to go to school.  Ethan's plan is to become an engineer and own his own company.  So he told Taylor if she wanted she could come and work for him and they could see each other everyday.  He did clarify that she couldn't just sit around and do nothing at his company that she would have to work hard.  I love how they plan things and how they want to be together (even if it doesn't appear that way on a day to day basis).  Here are a few pictures from graduation.  I love just this little boy!



Toni said...

Sounds like he has everything planned out

Michelle said...

Such a sweet, smart guy! So proud of him :)

J and C Fish Family said...

What a sweet post!! I can't believe he is reading and doing math so well!! You certainly have all the room you want to brag!!!
I love when siblings SHOW love for each other! It is the best!
Love and miss you guys!