Sunday, November 21, 2010


Dear Zeb,

Here is the adventure race course that I had in mind. I think that you can spread out the obstacles to suit your need. You can tell them that a Special Forces soldier and his son designed it. No need to thank me.


Recently Ethan has really gotten into doing family home evening. I thank Meredith for this because she has come up with some pretty amazing ideas of how to keep the kids interest. One of her ideas was about following commandments and so we made an obstacle course where the kids had to follow the instructions to make it through the course. Well Ethan loved this idea and decided that he wanted to make a course of his own. Most of the stuff he came up with on his own, pretty impressive.

On another note here is an update on what is going on. Right now I have good and bad days. I feel as if I have been very blessed that when I needed mostly good days I was able to have them. Especially since those good days that I needed where when I was doing interview rotations for residency programs that I wanted to get into. This also determines where we will be for the next three years. The next step in treatment is radiation therapy. It is a little different for thyroid than other cancers. First I have to have a couple of injection of thyroid stimulating hormone. This will cause any thyroid cells that are left to want to take in as much iodine as they can to try and make thyroid hormone. Then I take a radioactive iodine pill. This will be taken up by the thyroid cells essentially killing them off. There is a chance of recurrence with papillary carcinoma so in order to minimize it you have to get rid of all the thyroid cells. The radiation therapy is a onetime dose and then I have to follow up for a couple of years to make sure that I'm still clear. The worst part about it is that I can't have any contact with the kids for five days, so they are going to stay in Richmond with Meredith's parents. I will have the radiation on Dec 10th and then we will go from there. I'm looking forward to having this done and being able to move on. I also want to thank everyone for there support and prayers. It truly has meant a lot to me when people have told me that they and there families are praying for us. Thank you!


Leah said...

So good to hear an update of you guys. Taylor looks blond now! Your kids are so cute and I love Ethan's sound effects in the video (ooh, eeh, ooh). i'll be in MD for Christmas- would love to see you guys if you'll be around. Good luck with Abe's treatment we'll be praying for you guys.

Toni said...

I love the obstacle course. Ethan did a great job on it. We too are praying for your family and wish you nothing but the best (including your first choice of residencies).

Bernadette said...

So good to hear how you are doing. Walt remembers you in his daily prayers, as do we. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving holiday. xoxo Trav, B & Walt

Michelle said...

Glad to hear that you were doing well when you needed to be doing well! I hope that radiation goes well and that you are back on your feet in time for Christmas and good times with the kids :)

Delaps said...

Thanks for updating us. I hope that everything goes well with radiation. Also good luck with your upcoming match!

Becca said...

So good to hear an update and anxious to hear how the radiation goes. I'm glad you are having the good days when you need them- we'll echo everyone else when we say you guys are in our prayers. We are looking forward to seeing you at Christmas!