I can't believe so much time has passed since our last post but I guess with the busyness of work, Thanksgiving, Christmas shopping, and not having Abe around it has kept me busy with other things. We had a long week at Grandma and Grandpa's house for Thanksgiving. It was nice since Abe was working in Richmond for the month. We got to see him in the evenings and he even had a couple of days off for the holiday so it was nice to spend time with him. We are counting down the days until his 3 months of out of town rotations will end. Christmas Eve he will be done and we will have him around for 2 months before he is off traveling again.
Ethan and Taylor did not want to cooperate for pictures. In every picture one of them looked cute and the other one had their eyes closed or something else weird was going on. Finally we just gave up and took their pictures alone.
Abe's sister was wonderful and made the trip from New Jersey to come see us. We had a great time visiting with her. We went to Williamsburg the day after Thanksgiving. Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate all that well. Thanksgiving Day had been gorgeous so it was sad that it turned cold and rainy while we were out. Abe took this picture right before Taylor peed all the way down the both of us. Of course I had extra clothes for her but not for me.
Noah was tongue tied too! We had his procedure done at 1 month. It was stressful! That little Taylor is so cute!
I love that he thought I was going to get lost getting to your house...especially because that means he remembers me! Love you guys!
Glad to hear you're keeping busy and having fun! Hope you guys can relax for Christmas.I'm impressed you updated the blog...we haven't had a spare minute around here to do the same. Have a wonderful Christmas!
For as little as I have actually seen Ethan, I sure love that boy. I didn't know about the attached tongue, but that sounds pretty funny watching him go out, probably not so much in the moment but retrospectively.
Amazing what a little snip of the scissors can do. I'm sure he was a very brave patient. Man your kids are CUTE! I'm so happy Michelle got to spend Thanksgiving with you guys.
Love you all.
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