I have been totally amazed by how much Taylor has changed over the last several weeks. It is so much fun to watch her grow up but of course it is a little sad too. She has started taking steps in between Abe and I. She will take about 4 steps unless she gets too excited (usually because she sees Ethan). Such bravery has resulted in our first black eye though. She has started talking more too. I love to hear "mama" coming from the other room when I'm gone. But I think my favorite word these days is "thank you." She says it so sweet and quietly. I just love it. She has figured out that the cow says moo and will say moo when she sees a cow (or any animal that she thinks looks like a cow). I love "uh-oh" as she starts to drop food off her high chair. She is such a social little girl, just like Ethan at that age. She was constantly saying "hi" to the little girl behind us at church on Sunday and loves to hug people she meets and her baby dolls. She is just such a sweetheart.

Taylor hates having her hair done but that doesn't stop me completely. The fact that she usually has the clips out before I can get into the car does deter me though. She is so proud of herself when I go to get her out of the car and she has her hair clips out and her sock in her hand. She just waves it around enthusiastically.

This is a picture of the day after her last hairdo. Another deterrent to hairdos !