Sorry no pictures for this story but I have told it to several people and all of them thought that it was funny so I thought that it should be shared with everyone. First let me say that Ethan is fascinated by Meredith pumping her breast milk. So Meredith and the kids were out and Meredith says:we need to get gas,
Of course Ethan is thinking of the fact that when he has the toots we call it gas,
Ethan says "what mommy"
Meredith: we need to pump some gas. Ethan gets his thinking face on which is really cute
Ethan: "pump the gas out of my hiney".
Meredith busts up laughing as I am sure that most of you are
Meredith: what did you say
Ethan: nothing I said nothing.
I hope this story has brightened you day a little.